What got us here won’t get us there.
And what got us here is completely prohibiting us from getting there.

Time’s up on the paradigms of old.

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you are the cause of the effect.

you are the generator.

you are the consciousness.

you are the love.

you are the magic.

“You’re not just telling us what the problem is. You’re identifying exactly what harmful paradigms are dictating our lives, then giving us the solution and showing us how to live it out.”

Kelly Roach - Legacy Building Business Advisor

EXPANDER is an invocation.

A summoning. A calling forth of a kinder world, a higher collective consciousness, a roadmap to the next stages of human and spiritual evolution.

Inside EXPANDER you will learn:

  • The seven most outdated paradigms that are detrimental to your growth and legacy.

  • Seven new paradigms that will elevate you out of limitation and into creation and flow.

  • How you can change and embody your next level, highest self. The version that your legacy requires.

You’ve read Brené Brown and Glennon Doyle. You’ve watched Oprah. You listen to Abraham Hicks and Eckhart Tolle. You’ve done your fair share of retreats. Your EQ is high and your tolerance for BS is low.

EXPANDER will deliver to you exactly what
needs to shift and how to shift it.

"I’m convinced this book finds you when you most need the loving kick in the pants (and the deep soul reminder) that only Tracy Litt can deliver. Within these pages lies our call to wake up and shake up what we believe success has to look like and how we choose to experience and embody it. These pages are our permission slip. Our chance to do things our way, create a life of meaning, and one where success isn’t measured merely by the things we posses but how we feel, live and love. Honestly, it’s the full body exhale I didn’t know I needed…and I’m so thrilled you are about to dive in too!

Jill Stanton - Founder of The Millionaire Girls Club

“EXPANDER, by Tracy Litt, is an empowering message for women, reminding us to look within, as that is where our greatest power lies. A necessary reminder of how our energetic frequency shapes our reality and the truth that we are limitless. The book's focus on expanding consciousness and shifting paradigms is a refreshing approach to achieving holistic success, and the practical tools provided are very beneficial for women who want to take their lives and impact to the next level."

Michelle Vandepas, Author and Publisher

“Litt shows herself to be an expressive, thoughtful, and candid writer. Her observations on human behavior are penetrating and insightful, and her belief in the human spirit is almost palpable."

Kirkus Reviews

you are the cause of the effect.

you are the generator.

you are the consciousness.

you are the love.

you are the magic.

We’re raised our entire lives to seek the ‘how’. 

To find the answer.

To search for the solution. 

We’re raised to believe that this ‘how’ exists outside of us.

To look outside of ourselves for the cause.
The reason. That this ‘how’ is external. 

That what's happening on the outside
is what’s creating how we feel on the inside. 

Well, as it turns out,

it’s the exact opposite

The School of Becoming is elated to introduce our new ‘HOW TO’ classes! 

Because inspiration without practical application is useless. 

You deserve to learn the ‘HOW’ so you can practice who you’re becoming instead of practicing who you’ve been. 

Here's the truth:

What’s happening on the inside is what creates the outside.

What’s happening in your inner environment creates your third dimensional lived experience.

Here’s another truth: 

You are a spiritual/energetic being having a human experience. 

You are a spiritual/energetic being having a human experience. 

The infinite power of embodying this truth will blow you away.

We know you’ve absolutely heard that life isn’t happening to you…that life is happening for you. 

Here’s the highest truth:

Life is happening THROUGH YOU. 

That’s the ‘how’ that matters. 

That’s the only ‘how’ that is actually your business.

That’s the ‘how’ that takes priority.


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